Hadkeren Inspiration House

Hadkeren Publishing House

Hadkeren is an independent publishing house established in 2011 by Talya Chalamish and Asaf Percia, with the aim of it being a cultural engine that offers the Hebrew speaking reader quality content in the fields of art, education and self-awareness.

We publish central books in these fields, that are carefully selected so as to enable new points of view on life, things and people.

We publish classical and contemporary artist books, that express the human ability to involve emotionally, to surprise, resonate and experience the world and ourselves passionately. We choose inspirational books in terms of artistic ability as well as graphics, content and use of language.

In our books on education we allow an in-depth comprehension of the tools with which we allow children and teenagers to acquire knowledge and skills. And beyond these, to comprehend the educational
process as the scope, questions, curiosity and ability to stimulate the child, as she grows up, to build her own life, according to her own values. We also publish books on the development of the human potential inherent in us, a process that continues at every age, as it adapts to each and every stage of life.

We publish books on self awareness as comprehended by different traditions and cultures, that have the power to cast light on the mystery of the Self, as we go deeper into the processes that occur inside and outside of us, and into our ability to observe, deepen our understanding and comprehend them. This understanding can then aid us in expressing our abilities in our professional and personal lives as well as bring us towards a state of perfection which in the eastern doctrines has been known as ‘Nirvana’.

Who we are

Asaf Percia Publisher and Chief Editor Asaf Percia is an educator, he holds a BA in Educational Management, amongst other things he established and managed the “Youth of Light” project for youth at risk in Jerusalem and later also in Ashkelon. He studied the system of “Education for the Third Millenium” as well as Counseling in Italy for one year. “I have always been fascinated by the power of the written word, and by our ability as humans to transfer so much content through a system of symbols, to transfer emotions and thoughts over the distance of thousands of years. Also in my own development journey books have supplied important stations, have been significant companions.”

Talya Chalamish Publisher and Artistic Director An honors graduate of the department of Architecture at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Talya continued to higher education in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College, London and Central St. Martins, London. She received various scholarships and awards, including an artistic expression research scholarship from Chisenhale, London and a scholarship in drawing from the Royal Drawing School, London. “In my work I explore the encoded, hidden meanings in the writings and artworks of various periods, and create visual and mental images that can bring us to a more intimate place within ourselves and towards the possibility of an enriched form of living together in the world.”

Books published by Hadkeren

Initiation – Elisabeth Haich
Self Healing Yoga and Destiny – Elisabeth Haich & Selvarajan Yesudian
Raja Yoga – Elisabeth Haich & Selvarajan Yesudian
Wisdom of the Tarot – Elisabeth Haich & Selvarajan Yesudian
The Day with Yoga – Elisabeth Haich
The Interior Castle – Santa Teresa of Avila
The Secret of Secrets – Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
The Dance of Love for God – Compilation of Teachings by Jalal A-Din Rumi
The Diwan – Jalal A-Din Rumi (with publisher Olam Katan)
The Way Things Are: A Living Approach to Buddhism – Lama Ole Nydahl
Buddha & Love: Timeless Wisdom for Modern Relationships – Lama Ole Nydahl
Fearless Death – Buddhist Wisdom on the Art of Dying – Lama Ole Nydahl
Creation: Artistic and Spiritual – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
The Powers of Thought – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Education Begins Before Birth – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
The Yoga of Nutrition – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Man's Subtle Bodies and Centres – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Ararat, The Way of Presence – Patrizio Paoletti
Ararat, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Compassion – Patrizio Paoletti
Teach Your Baby to Read – Glenn Doman and Janet Doman
Naked Song – Lala